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...A much-needed book
for parents about

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Worried All the Time, by David Anderegg

Worried All the Time

Overparenting in an Age of Anxiety and How to Stop It

was first published by Free Press in 2003.

The paperback edition, entitled
Worried All the Time: Rediscovering the Joy in Parenthood in an Age of Anxiety
came out in 2004.

"Thank God. Somebody had to write this book before we raised another generation of hothouse flowers and spent more money on Prozac." - Los Angeles Times

From the cover of the paperback edition:

Whether they are thinking about school violence or terrorist attacks or the flu virus or getting their kids into the right college, American mom and dads are a pretty worried crowd. But...today's parents might be letting their imaginations run wild and transferring their own fears and needs onto their children. In Worried All the Time, Anderegg offers keen advice and simple, everyday strategies to help parents ward off the "tabloidization of children" - the media's overblown portrayal of America's high-risk youth in news programs, sitcoms, and advertisements - and focus on the Cardinal Rules of Good Parenting: moderation, empathy, and temperamental accommodation.

"...helps parents to understand the difference between wise vigilance and potentially crippling anxiety..." - Amazon